SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” The term may sound like optimizing an actual search engine such as Google, however this professional service focuses on tweaking a website to do well – to appear among the top listings on search engine results pages (SERPs). SERPs are web pages returned by search engines like Google or Yahoo! after a user performs a search. These pages contain links to web sites and documents that the search engine deems relevant to the word or phrase. These words or phrases are also known as “keywords.”
SEO creative and it's technical. It's logical, parasitic and opportunistic. The aim of seo is to maximise targeted types of valuable traffic to a website from search engines by improving the visibility of said website in Google organic or unpaid SERPS. Traditionally, this has meant aiming for no1 or top ten positions in Google but SEO has evolved and now a SEO needs to be more a marketer than just a tech geek. A seo needs to be concerned, not just with high positions in Google for relevant keywords, but with analysing competition, traffic and analytics, and converting traffic to leads and sales. I like to draw a line between SEO and Linkbuilding. One (SEO) is on-page (on-site), the other, off-site (Linkbuilding).
SEO is “keyword centric.” A major emphasis for professionals is to figure out what words or phrases a website’s target audience is likely to use when searching for a site’s content.
Examining established competitors can often reveal tactics you can use for your own site
What keywords they are targeting
How they are keeping site visitors engaged
Examining established competitors can often reveal tactics you can use for your own site
What keywords they are targeting
How they are keeping site visitors engaged
Meta description
In addition to a TITLE tag, web pages can also contain a META description tag. While the description tag is not as heavily weighted as the TITLE tag, search engines sometimes use the content of this tag to provide a summary of that webpage on results pages. Other times they’ll just pull some text from the webpage that seems relevant to the search term and provide that to users as a description on the result page.
In addition to a TITLE tag, web pages can also contain a META description tag. While the description tag is not as heavily weighted as the TITLE tag, search engines sometimes use the content of this tag to provide a summary of that webpage on results pages. Other times they’ll just pull some text from the webpage that seems relevant to the search term and provide that to users as a description on the result page.